;; yDiff - a language-aware tool for comparing programs
;; Copyright (C) 2011 Yin Wang (yinwang0@gmail.com)

;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.

;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.

;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

(load "utils.ss")

;                      parameters

;; The ratio of cost/size that we consider two nodes to be
;; "similar", so as to perform a heuristic move (that will
;; cut running time by a lot.) But this number should be
;; small enough otherwise everything will be considered to
;; be moves! Set to a small number for accuracy.
(define *move-ratio* 0)

;; The minimum size of a node to be considered for moves.
;; Shouldn't be too small, otherwise small deletec names
;; will appear in a very distant place! This number should
;; be larger than *min-frame-size* otherwise it will not be
;; effective because substructural diff will do it.
(define *move-size* 5)

;; The depth limit for detecting substructural moves. If
;; this is set, we will ignore nodes that are deeper than
;; this number. The minimum is 7 to be useful.
(define *move-depth* 5)

;; How many iterations do we go for moves? This parameter
;; should be large enough so that we can discover enough
;; moves. The algorithm is guaranteed to terminate, but it
;; should be be set to some small number if we found that it
;; takes too much time to terminate. This value should be
;; larger than 7 in order to work for normal programs.
(define *move-iteration* 1000)

;; How large must a node be considered as container for
;; another node? If this is set to a big number, we will
;; ignore nodes that are smaller than the number. This
;; number shouldn't be too small, otherwise too many
;; spurious moves will be detected! For example, a deleted
;; "int" could be moved to a very far place! Setting it to a
;; bigger number also reduces running time (by a great
;; amount) because less substructural moves are considered.
;; Set it to a larger number will cause loss of
;; substructural changes, but greatly reduces time to run.
(define *min-frame-size* 3)

;; How deep must the frames be for us to consider them as
;; moves? This affects only already extracted frames, which
;; may be considered to be moves to other extracted frames.
;; Set it large will not necessarily lower accuracy, but
;; improves performance.
(define *min-frame-depth* 2)

;; How long must a string be in order for us to use
;; string-dist function, which is costly when used on long
;; strings but the most accurate method to use. This
;; parameter affects strings/comments only. We use
;; string-dist for all Tokens.
(define *max-string-len* 200)

;; only memoize the diff of nodes of size larger than this
;; number
(define *memo-node-size* 2)

(define *keywords* '())
(define *keyword-exchange* '())
(define *defs* '())

;                      utilities

(define qs
  (lambda (x)
    (string-append "'" (number->string x) "'")))

(define line
  (lambda (port . s)
    (display (string-append (apply string-append s) "\n") port)))

;                      data types

(struct Change (orig cur cost type) #:transparent)
(struct Tag (tag idx start) #:transparent)

(define ins?
  (lambda (c)
    (not (Change-orig c))))

(define del?
  (lambda (c)
    (not (Change-cur c))))

(define mod?
  (lambda (c)
    (and (Change-orig c) (Change-cur c))))

;----------------- utils for creating changes ----------------
(define total
  (lambda (node1 node2)
    (let ([size1 (node-size node1)]
          [size2 (node-size node2)])
      (values (append (del-node node1) (ins-node node2))
              (+ size1 size2)))))

(define del-node
  (lambda (node)
    (let ([size (node-size node)])
      (list (Change node #f size 'del)))))

(define ins-node
  (lambda (node)
    (let ([size (node-size node)])
      (list (Change #f node size 'ins)))))

(define disassemble-frame
  (lambda (node)
     [(and (Expr? node) (eq? 'frame (Expr-type node)))
      (apply append (map disassemble-frame (Expr-elts node)))]
     [else (list node)])))

(define disassemble-change
  (lambda (change)
     [(ins? change)
      (apply append
             (map ins-node
                  (disassemble-frame (Change-cur change))))]
     [(del? change)
      (apply append
             (map del-node
                  (disassemble-frame (Change-orig change))))]
     [else (list change)])))

(define extract-frame
  (lambda (node1 node2)
    (match node1
      [(Expr type1 elts1 start1 end1)
       (let ([frame-elts (filter (lambda (x)
                                   (not (eq? x node2)))
         (Expr 'frame frame-elts start1 start1))]
      [_ fatal 'extract-frame "I only accept Expr"])))

(define extract-ins-frame
  (lambda (node1 node2)
    (let ([frame (extract-frame node1 node2)])
       [(not frame) '()]
        (ins-node frame)]))))

(define extract-del-frame
  (lambda (node1 node2)
    (let ([frame (extract-frame node1 node2)])
       [(not frame) '()]
        (del-node frame)]))))

;; (define n1 (Token "ok" 0 1))

;; (define n2 (Expr 'ok (list n1 (Token "bar" 1 2)) 0 2))

;; (map disassemble-change (extract-ins-frame n2 n1))

(define ins-node-except
  (lambda (node1 node2)
    (let ([nodes (map (lambda (x)
                        (if (not (eq? x node2))
                            (ins-node x)
                      (Expr-elts node1))])
      (apply append nodes))))

(define del-node-except
  (lambda (node1 node2)
    (let ([nodes (map (lambda (x)
                        (if (not (eq? x node2))
                            (del-node x)
                      (Expr-elts node1))])
      (apply append nodes))))

(define mod-node
  (lambda (node1 node2 cost)
    (list (Change node1 node2 cost 'mod))))

(define mov-node
  (lambda (node1 node2 cost)
    (list (Change node1 node2 cost 'mov))))

(define mod->mov
  (lambda (c)
    (match c
     [(Change node1 node2 cost 'mod)
      (Change node1 node2 cost 'mov)]
     [other other])))

;------------------ operations on nodes ---------------------

(define node-equal?
  (lambda (node1 node2)
     [(and (null? node1) (null? node2)) #t]
     [(and (Str? node1) (Str? node2))
      (and (equal? (Str-s node1) (Str-s node2)))]
     [(and (Comment? node1) (Comment? node2))
      (and (equal? (Comment-text node1) (Comment-text node2)))]
     [(and (Char? node1) (Char? node2))
      (and (equal? (Char-c node1) (Char-c node2)))]
     [(and (Token? node1) (Token? node2))
      (and (equal? (Token-text node1)
                   (Token-text node2)))]
     [(and (Expr? node1) (Expr? node2))
      (and (eq? (Expr-type node1)
                (Expr-type node2))
           (node-equal? (Expr-elts node1)
                        (Expr-elts node2)))]
     [(and (pair? node1) (pair? node2))
      (and (node-equal? (car node1) (car node2))
           (node-equal? (cdr node1) (cdr node2)))]
     [else #f])))

(define keyword-exchangeable?
  (lambda (k1 k2)
     [(eq? k1 k2) #t]
     [(assq k1 *keyword-exchange*)
      => (lambda (p)
            [(memq k2 (cdr p)) #t]
            [else #f]))]
     [else #f])))

(define keywords-equal?
  (lambda (node1 node2)
    (and (eq? (Expr-type node1)
              (Expr-type node2))
         (not (keywords-differ? node1 node2)))))

(define keywords-differ?
  (lambda (exp1 exp2)
    (let ([key1 (and (not (null? (Expr-elts exp1)))
                     (get-symbol (car (Expr-elts exp1))))]
          [key2 (and (not (null? (Expr-elts exp2)))
                     (get-symbol (car (Expr-elts exp2))))])
       [(and key1 key2
             (or (memq key1 *keywords*)
                 (memq key2 *keywords*))
             (not (keyword-exchangeable? key1 key2)))
       [else #f]))))

(define get-symbol
  (lambda (node)
     [(Token? node)
      (string->symbol (Token-text node))]
     [else #f])))

(define same-def?
  (lambda (e1 e2)
      [(and (Expr? e1) (Expr? e2))
       (let ([elts1 (Expr-elts e1)]
             [elts2 (Expr-elts e2)])
          [(and (> (length elts1) 1)
                (> (length elts2) 1)
                (memq (get-symbol (car elts1)) *defs*)
                (memq (get-symbol (car elts2)) *defs*))
           (eq? (get-symbol (cadr elts1))
                (get-symbol (cadr elts2)))]
          [else #f]))]
      [else #f])))

;; (same-def? (car (parse-scheme "(define f 1)"))
;;            (car (parse-scheme "(define g 1)")))

(define different-def?
  (lambda (e1 e2)
      [(and (Expr? e1) (Expr? e2))
       (let ([elts1 (Expr-elts e1)]
             [elts2 (Expr-elts e2)])
          [(and (> (length elts1) 1)
                (> (length elts2) 1)
                (memq (get-symbol (car elts1)) *defs*)
                (memq (get-symbol (car elts2)) *defs*))
           (not (eq? (get-symbol (cadr elts1))
                     (get-symbol (cadr elts2))))]
          [else #f]))]
      [else #f])))

;; (different-def? (car (parse-scheme "(define f 1)"))
;;                 (car (parse-scheme "(let f 1)")))

;; whether two nodes are similar given the cost
(define similar?
  (lambda (node1 node2 c)
    (<= c (* *move-ratio* (+ (node-size node1)
                             (node-size node2))))))

(define *node-size-hash* (make-hasheq))

(define node-size
  (lambda (node)
    (define memo
      (lambda (v)
        (if (> v 1)
            (hash-set! *node-size-hash* node v)
     [(pair? node)
      (apply + (map node-size node))]
     [(or (Token? node) (Str? node) (Char? node)) 1]
     [(Expr? node)
       [(hash-has-key? *node-size-hash* node)
        (hash-ref *node-size-hash* node)]
        (memo (node-size (Expr-elts node)))])]
     [else 0])))

(define node-depth
  (lambda (node)
     [(null? node) 0]
     [(pair? node)
      (apply max (map node-depth node))]
     [(Expr? node)
      (add1 (node-depth (Expr-elts node)))]
     [else 0])))

; (node-depth (parse-scheme "(lambda (x (x (y)) (y)) x)"))

;; (same-def? (parse-scheme "(define f (x 1))")
;;            (parse-scheme "(define f 2"))

(define uid
  (let ([count 1]
        [table (box '())])
    (lambda (node)
      (let ([p (assq node (unbox table))])
         [(not p)
          (let ([id count])
            (set! count (add1 count))
            (set-box! table (cons `(,node . ,id) (unbox table)))
          (cdr p)])))))

(define similarity
  (lambda (change)
    (let ([total (+ (node-size (Change-orig change))
                    (node-size (Change-cur change)))])
       [(or (= 0 total) (= 0 (Change-cost change)))
          (* 100 (- 1.0 (/ (Change-cost change) total))) 1)

;                        diff stuff

; 2-D memoization table
(define make-table
  (lambda (dim1 dim2)
    (let ([vec (make-vector (add1 dim1))])
      (let loop ([n 0])
         [(= n (vector-length vec)) vec]
          (vector-set! vec n (make-vector (add1 dim2) #f))
          (loop (add1 n))])))))

(define table-ref
  (lambda (t x y)
    (let ([row (vector-ref t x)])
      (vector-ref row y))))

(define table-set!
  (lambda (t x y v)
    (let ([row (vector-ref t x)])
      (vector-set! row y v))))

;---------------- string distance function -----------------

(define string-dist
  (lambda (s1 s2)
    (let* ([len1 (string-length s1)]
           [len2 (string-length s2)]
           [t (make-table len1 len2)]
           [char-dist (dist1 t s1 0 s2 0)])
       [(= 0 (+ len1 len2)) 0]
        (/ (* 2.0 char-dist) (+ len1 len2))]))))

(define dist1
  (lambda (table s1 start1 s2 start2)
    (define memo
      (lambda (value)
        (table-set! table start1 start2 value)
     [(table-ref table start1 start2)
      => (lambda (cached) cached)]
     [(= start1 (string-length s1))
      (memo (- (string-length s2) start2))]
     [(= start2 (string-length s2))
      (memo (- (string-length s1) start1))]
      (let* ([c1 (string-ref s1 start1)]
             [c2 (string-ref s2 start2)]
             [d0 (cond
                  [(char=? c1 c2) 0]
                  [(char=? (char-downcase c1)
                           (char-downcase c2)) 1]
                  [else 2])]
             [d1 (+ d0 (dist1 table s1 (add1 start1) s2 (add1 start2)))]
             [d2 (+ 1 (dist1 table s1 (add1 start1) s2 start2))]
             [d3 (+ 1 (dist1 table s1 start1 s2 (add1 start2)))])
        (memo (min d1 d2 d3)))])))

(define diff-string
  (lambda (string1 string2 node1 node2)
     [(or (> (string-length string1) *max-string-len*)
          (> (string-length string2) *max-string-len*))
       [(equal? string1 string2)
        (values (mod-node node1 node2 0) 0)]
        (total node1 node2)])]
      (let ([cost (string-dist string1 string2)])
        (values (mod-node node1 node2 cost) cost))])))

;--------------------- main node diff function ----------------------
(define diff-node
  (lambda (node1 node2 depth move?)

    (define memo
      (lambda (v1 v2)
        (if (and (> (node-size node1) *memo-node-size*)
                 (> (node-size node2) *memo-node-size*))
            (hash-put! *diff-hash* node1 node2 (cons v1 v2))
        (values v1 v2)))

    (define trysub
      (lambda (changes cost)
         [(or (not move?)
              (similar? node1 node2 cost))
          (memo changes cost)]
          (letv ([(m c) (diff-sub node1 node2 depth move?)])
             [(not m)
              (memo changes cost)]
              (memo m c)]))])))

    (diff-progress 1)

     [(hash-get *diff-hash* node1 node2)
      => (lambda (cached)
           (values (car cached) (cdr cached)))]
     [(and (Char? node1) (Char? node2))
      (diff-string (char->string (Char-c node1))
                   (char->string (Char-c node2))
                   node1 node2)]
     [(and (Str? node1) (Str? node2))
      (diff-string (Str-s node1) (Str-s node2) node1 node2)]
     [(and (Comment? node1) (Comment? node2))
      (diff-string (Comment-text node1) (Comment-text node2) node1 node2)]
     [(and (Token? node1) (Token? node2))
      (diff-string (Token-text node1) (Token-text node2) node1 node2)]
     [(and (Expr? node1) (Expr? node2)
           (keywords-equal? node1 node2))
      (letv ([t (make-hasheq)]
             [(m c) (diff-list t (Expr-elts node1) (Expr-elts node2)
                               depth move?)])
        (trysub m c))]
     [(and (pair? node1) (not (pair? node2)))
      (let ([t (make-hasheq)])
        (diff-list t node1 (list node2) depth move?))]
     [(and (not (pair? node1)) (pair? node2))
      (let ([t (make-hasheq)])
        (diff-list t (list node1) node2 depth move?))]
     [(and (pair? node1) (pair? node2))
      (let ([t (make-hasheq)])
        (diff-list t node1 node2 depth move?))]
      (letv ([(m c) (total node1 node2)])
        (trysub m c))])))

;; global 2D hash for storing known diffs
(define *diff-hash* (make-hasheq))

(define diff-list
  (lambda (table ls1 ls2 depth move?)

    (define memo
      (lambda (v1 v2)
        (hash-put! table ls1 ls2 (cons v1 v2))
        (values v1 v2)))

    (define guess
      (lambda (ls1  ls2)
        (letv ([(m0 c0) (diff-node (car ls1) (car ls2) depth move?)]
               [(m1 c1) (diff-list table (cdr ls1) (cdr ls2) depth move?)]
               [(cost1) (+ c0 c1)])
           [(or (same-def? (car ls1) (car ls2))
                (and (not (different-def? (car ls1) (car ls2)))
                     (similar? (car ls1) (car ls2) c0)))
            (memo (append m0 m1) cost1)]
            (letv ([(m2 c2) (diff-list table (cdr ls1) ls2  depth move?)]
                   [(m3 c3) (diff-list table ls1 (cdr ls2) depth move?)]
                   [cost2 (+ c2 (node-size (car ls1)))]
                   [cost3 (+ c3 (node-size (car ls2)))])
               ;; They can't be same-def now.
               ;; don't move them. It is quite confusing

               ;; [(and (not (different-def? (car ls1) (car ls2)))
               ;;       (<= cost1 cost2) (<= cost1 cost3))
               ;;  (memo (append m0 m1) cost1)]
               [(<= cost2 cost3)
                (memo (append (del-node (car ls1)) m2) cost2)]
                (memo (append (ins-node (car ls2)) m3) cost3)]))]))))

     [(hash-get table ls1 ls2)
      => (lambda (cached)
           (values (car cached) (cdr cached)))]
     [(and (null? ls1) (null? ls2))
      (values '() 0)]
     [(null? ls1)
      (let ([changes (apply append (map ins-node ls2))])
        (values changes (node-size ls2)))]
     [(null? ls2)
      (let ([changes (apply append (map del-node ls1))])
        (values changes (node-size ls1)))]
      (guess ls1 ls2)])))

(define diff-sub
  (lambda (node1 node2 depth move?)
     [(or (>= depth *move-depth*)
          (< (node-size node1) *min-frame-size*)
          (< (node-size node2) *min-frame-size*))
      (values #f #f)]
     [(and (Expr? node1) (Expr? node2))
       [(< (node-size node1) (node-size node2))
        (let loop ([elts2 (Expr-elts node2)])
           [(null? elts2) (values #f #f)]
            (letv ([(m0 c0) (diff-node node1 (car elts2) (add1 depth) move?)])
               [(or (same-def? node1 (car elts2))
                    (similar? node1 (car elts2) c0))
                (let ([frame (extract-ins-frame node2 (car elts2))]
                      [frame-size (- (node-size node2) (node-size (car elts2)))])
                  (values (append m0 frame) c0))]
                (loop (cdr elts2))]))]))]
       [(> (node-size node1) (node-size node2))
        (let loop ([elts1 (Expr-elts node1)])
           [(null? elts1) (values #f #f)]
            (letv ([(m0 c0) (diff-node (car elts1) node2 (add1 depth) move?)])
               [(or (same-def? (car elts1) node2)
                    (similar? (car elts1) node2 c0))
                (let ([frame (extract-del-frame node1 (car elts1))]
                      [frame-size (- (node-size node1) (node-size (car elts1)))])
                  (values (append m0 frame) c0))]
                (loop (cdr elts1))]))]))]
       [else                            ; equal size
        (values #f #f)])]
     [else (values #f #f)])))

;                    finding moves

(define big-node?
  (lambda (node)
    (>= (node-size node) *move-size*)))

(define shallow-frame?
  (lambda (node)
    (and (eq? 'frame (node-type node))
         (< (node-depth node) *min-frame-depth*))))

(define big-change?
  (lambda (c)
     [(ins? c)
      (big-node? (Change-cur c))]
     [(del? c)
      (big-node? (Change-orig c))]
     [(mod? c)
      (or (big-node? (Change-orig c))
          (big-node? (Change-cur c)))])))

(define shallow-change?
  (lambda (c)
     [(ins? c)
      (shallow-frame? (Change-cur c))]
     [(del? c)
      (shallow-frame? (Change-orig c))]
     [(mod? c)
      (or (shallow-frame? (Change-orig c))
          (shallow-frame? (Change-cur c)))])))

(define large-change?
  (predand big-change? (negate shallow-frame?)))

; ((predand number? (lambda (x) (> x 1))) 0)
; ((predor number? (lambda (x) (> x 1))) 5)

(define node-sort-fn
  (lambda (x y)
    (< (get-start x) (get-start y))))

;; iterate the dynamic programming
(define closure
  (lambda (changes)
    (set! *diff-hash* (make-hasheq))
    (let loop ([changes changes] [moved '()] [count 1])
       [(> count *move-iteration*)
        (let ([all-changes (append changes moved)])
          (apply append (map disassemble-change all-changes)))]
        (printf "~n[closure loop #~a] " count)
        (let* ([del-changes (filter (predand del?
                                             (predor (lambda (c)
                                                        (Change-orig c)))
               [add-changes (filter (predand ins?
                                             (predor (lambda (c)
                                                        (Change-cur c)))
               [old-moves (filter mod? changes)]
               [unincluded (set- changes (append old-moves
               [dels (map Change-orig del-changes)]
               [adds (map Change-cur add-changes)]
               [sorted-dels (sort dels node-sort-fn)]
               [sorted-adds (sort adds node-sort-fn)])

          (letv ([t (make-hasheq)]
                 [(m c) (diff-list t sorted-dels sorted-adds 0 #t)]
                 [new-moves (map mod->mov (filter mod? m))])
            (printf "~n~a new moves found" (length new-moves))
             [(null? new-moves)
              (let ([all-changes (append m old-moves unincluded moved)])
                (apply append (map disassemble-change all-changes)))]
              (let ([new-changes (filter (negate mod?) m)])
                (loop new-changes
                      (append new-moves old-moves unincluded moved)
                      (add1 count)))])))]))))

(define language-specific-similar?
  (lambda (e1 e2 c)

(define language-specific-include?
  (lambda (e)

;                      HTML generation

(define change-tags
  (lambda (changes side)
    (let loop ([cs changes] [tags '()])
       [(null? cs) tags]
        (let ([key (if (eq? side 'left)
                       (Change-orig (car cs))
                       (Change-cur (car cs)))])
           [(or (not key)
                (= (get-start key) (get-end key)))
            (loop (cdr cs) tags)]
           [(and (Change-orig (car cs)) (Change-cur (car cs)))
            (let ([startTag (Tag (link-start (car cs) side)
                                 (get-start key) -1)]
                  [endTag (Tag "</a>" (get-end key) (get-start key))])
              (loop (cdr cs) (cons endTag (cons startTag tags))))]
            (let ([startTag (Tag (span-start (car cs) side)
                                 (get-start key) -1)]
                  [endTag (Tag "</span>" (get-end key) (get-start key))])
              (loop (cdr cs) (cons endTag (cons startTag tags))))]))]))))

(define apply-tags
  (lambda (s tags)
    (let ([tags (sort tags tag-sort-fn)])
      (let loop ([tags tags] [curr 0] [out '()])
         [(null? tags)
           [(< curr (string-length s))
            (loop tags (add1 curr) (cons (escape (string-ref s curr)) out))]
            (apply string-append (reverse out))])]
           [(< curr (Tag-idx (car tags)))
            (loop tags (add1 curr) (cons (escape (string-ref s curr)) out))]
            (loop (cdr tags) curr (cons (Tag-tag (car tags)) out))])])))))

(define link-start
  (lambda (change side)
    (let ([cls (cond
                [(and (eq? (Change-type change) 'mov)
                      (> (Change-cost change) 0))
                [(eq? (Change-type change) 'mov) "move"]
                [(> (Change-cost change) 0) "change"]
                [else "unchanged"])]
          [text (string-append "(similarity " (similarity change) ")")]
          [me (if (eq? side 'left)
                  (Change-orig change)
                  (Change-cur change))]
          [other (if (eq? side 'left)
                  (Change-cur change)
                  (Change-orig change))])
       "<a id="   (qs (uid me))
       " tid=" (qs (uid other)) ","
       " class=\""  cls   "\""
       " title=\""  text  "\">"))))

(define span-start
  (lambda (change side)
    (let ([cls (if (Change-orig change) "deletion" "insertion")]
          [text (if (Change-orig change) "deleted" "inserted")])
      (string-append "<span class=\"" cls "\" title=\"" text "\">"))))

(define tag-sort-fn
  (lambda (t1 t2)
     [(= (Tag-idx t1) (Tag-idx t2))
      (> (Tag-start t1) (Tag-start t2))]
      (< (Tag-idx t1) (Tag-idx t2))])))

(define *escape-table*
  '((#\"  .   """)
    (#\'  .    "'")
    (#\<  .    "<")
    (#\>  .    ">")

(define escape
  (lambda (c)
     [(assq c *escape-table*) => cdr]
     [else (char->string c)])))

; getting the base name of a path/file name
; (base-name "mk/mk-c.scm") => mk-c
(define base-name
  (lambda (fn)
    (let loop ([i (- (string-length fn) 1)]
               [start -1]
               [end (- (string-length fn) 1)])
       [(= i 0)
        (substring fn i end)]
       [(eq? (string-ref fn i) #\.)
        (loop (sub1 i) start i)]
       [(eq? (string-ref fn i) #\/)
        (substring fn (add1 i) end)]
        (loop (sub1 i) start end)]))))

(define html-header
  (lambda (port)
      (line port "<html>")
      (line port "<head>")
      (line port "<META http-equiv=\"Content-Type\""
                      " content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\">")
      (line port "<LINK href=\"diff-s.css\""
                      " rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\">")
      (line port "<script type=\"text/javascript\""
                        " src=\"nav-div.js\"></script>")
      (line port "</head>")
      (line port "<body>")))

(define html-footer
  (lambda (port)
    (line port "</body>")
    (line port "</html>")))

(define write-html
  (lambda (port text side)
    (line port (string-append "<div id=\"" side "\" class=\"src\">"))
    (line port "<pre>")
    (if (string=? side "left")
        (line port "<a id='leftstart' tid='rightstart'></a>")
        (line port "<a id='rightstart' tid='leftstart'></a>"))
    (line port text)
    (line port "</pre>")
    (line port "</div>")))

;; progress bar :-)
(define diff-progress
  (new-progress 10000))

(define cleanup
  (lambda ()
    (set! *node-size-hash* (make-hasheq))
    (set! *diff-hash* (make-hasheq))))

;; main command
(define diff
  (lambda (file1 file2 parse)
    (letv ([s1 (read-file file1)]
           [s2 (read-file file2)]
           [node1 (parse s1)]
           [node2 (parse s2)]
           [_ (diff-progress "\nDone parsing")]
           [(changes cost) (diff-node node1 node2 0 #f)]
           [_ (diff-progress "\nDone diffing")]
           [changes (closure changes)]
           [_ (diff-progress "\nDone moving")]
           [_ (set! *diff-hash* (make-hasheq))]
           [ctags1 (change-tags changes 'left)]
           [ctags2 (change-tags changes 'right)]
           [tagged1 (apply-tags s1 ctags1)]
           [tagged2 (apply-tags s2 ctags2)])
      (let* ([frame-file (string-append (base-name file1) "-"
                                        (base-name file2) ".html")]
             [port (open-output-file frame-file
                                     #:mode 'text
                                     #:exists 'replace)])
        (html-header port)
        (write-html port tagged1 "left")
        (write-html port tagged2 "right")
        (html-footer port)
        (close-output-port port)

; (current-directory "d:/prog/schdiff")
; (diff "t2.ss" "diff.ss")

; (diff "search.ss" "diff.ss")
; (diff "mk.scm" "mk-c.scm")

; (current-directory "d:/home/.emacs.d")
; (diff "paredit20.el" "paredit22.el")